NeWKhris .....
Ранг: R.P.D.
Группа: Провереные
Пол: Парень
Сообщений: 79
Лист значений для hex моддинга AA = Scope (Mine Thrower) AB = Mine Thrower + Scope (Crashes Game) AC = File Document AD = File Document AE = File Document AF = File Document
BA = Red Eye (Treasure) BB = Blue Eye (Treasure) BC = Butterfly Lamp w / (G) (Treasure) BE = Butterfly Lamp w / (B ) (Treasure) BF = Butterfly Lamp w / (G,R) (Treasure)
CA = Elegant Mask w / (G) (Treasure) CB = Elegant Mask w / ® (Treasure) CC = Elegant Mask w / (P) (Treasure) CD = Elegant Mask w / (G,R) (Treasure) CE = Elegant Mask w / (G,P) (Treasure) CF = Elegant Mask w / (R,P) (Treasure)
DA = Golden Lynx w / (R,B ) (Treasure) DB = Golden Lynx w / (G,R,B ) (Treasure) DC = Nothing DD = Nothing DE = Nothing DF = Nothing
EA = Nothing EB = Nothing EC = Nothing ED = Nothing EE = Nothing EF = Nothing
FA = File Document FB = File Document FC = File Document FD = File Document FE = File Document FF = Nothing
A0 = Rifle Ammo (Infrared) <-- ?? A1 = Emerald (Treasure) A2 = Bottle Caps (Treasure) -Didn't give any statue audios though- A3 = Gallery Key (Key Item) A4 = Emblem (Right Half) (Key Item) A5 = Emblem (Left Half) (Key Item) A6 = Hexagonal Emblem (Key Item) -Left & Right Emblem combined- A7 = Castle Gate Key (Key Item) A8 = Mixed Herbs (R+Y) A9 = Nothing
B0 = File Document B1 = File Document B2 = File Document B3 = File Document B4 = File Document B5 = File Document B6 = File Document B7 = File Document B8 = Butterfly Lamp (Treasure) B9 = Green Eye
C0 = Butterfly Lamp w / (G,B ) (Treasure) -G meaning, Green Catseye, B meaning Blue Catseye- C1 = Butterfly Lamp w / (R,B ) (Treasure) -R meaning, Red Catseye, B meaning Blue Catseye- C2 = Butterfly Lamp w / (R,G,B ) (Treasure) -R meaning, Red Catseye, B meaning Blue Catseye, G
meaning Green Catseye- C3 = Prison Key (Key Item) C4 = Plantinum Sword (Key Item) C5 = Infrared Scope C6 = Elegant Mask C7 = Green Gem (Treasure) C8 = Red Gem (Treasure) C9 = Purple Gem (Treasure)
D0 = Elegant Mask w / (R,G,P) (Treasure Item) D1 = Golden Lynx (Treasure) D2 = Green Stone of Judgement (Treasure) D3 = Red Stone of Faith (Treasure) D4 = Blue Stone of Treason (Treasure) D5 = Golden Lynx w / (G) (Treasure) -G Meaning Green Stone of Judgement- D6 = Golden Lynx w / ® (Treasure) -R Red Stone of Faith- D7 = Golden Lynx w / (B ) (Treasure) -B Blue Stone of Treason- D8 = Golden Lynx w / (G,R) (Treasure) D9 = Golden Lynx w / (G,B ) (Treasure)
E0 = Nothing E1 = Nothing E2 = Nothing E3 = Nothing E4 = Nothing E5 = Nothing E6 = Nothing E7 = Nothing E8 = Nothing E9 = Nothing
F0 = Nothing F1 = Nothing F2 = Nothing F3 = Nothing F4 = File Document F5 = File Document F6 = File Document F7 = File Document F8 = File Document F9 = File Document
0A = Gold Egg 0B = Nothing 0C = Plaga Sample 0D = Krauser's Knife (Crashes game) 0E = Flash Grenade 0F = Salazar Family Insignia (Key Item)
1A = Handcannon Ammo 1B = Hourglass w / gold decor(Key Item) , Again, but this time is a (Key Item) not treasure. 1C = Yellow Herb 1D = Stone Tablet (Key Item ) (Last piece to the puzzle in Ashleys part of the game) 1E = Lion Ornament (Key Item) (Piece to the castle wall puzzle) 1F = Goat Ornament (Key Item) (Piece to the castle wall puzzle)
2A = Killer 7 2B = Killer7 w / Silencer 2C = Shotgun 2D = Striker 2E = Bolt Action Rifle 2F = Semi-Auto Rifle
3A = Moonstone (Right Half) (Key Item) 3B = Insignia Key (Key Item) (Unlocks the door, to the underground passage way leading to the church) 3C = Round Insignia (Key Item) (Church Key) 3D = False Eye (Key Item) 3E = Custom TMP 3F = Silencer (crash)
4A = A file document, but buggy, crashed game after reading. 4B = Another file document, same bugs. 4C = Yet another... 4D = another........... 4E = ANOTHER 4F = What do u know, ANOTHER!
5A = Elegant Headdress (thanks James) 5B = Antique Pipe (Treasure Item) 5C = Gold Bangle w / Pearls (Treasure Item) 5D = Amber Ring (Treasure Item) 5E = Beerstein (Treasure Item) 5F = Green Catseye (Treasure Item)
6A = Chicago Typewriter Ammo(50) lol.. 6B = Bolt Action Rifle with Scope (crash) 6C = Semi-Auto Rifle with Scope (crash) 6D = Infinite Rocket Launcher 6E = King's Grail (Key Item) 6F = Queen's Grail (Key Item)
7A = Blue Moonstone (Key Item) (Left, and right moonstone pieces combinded) 7B = Key to the Mine (Key Item) 7C = Nothing 7D = Nothing 7E = Nothing.. 7F = Nothing, once more
8A = Dirty Brass Pocket Watch (Treasure Item) 8B = Old Key (Key Item) (Key used, to unlock the door to escape the golem, once you turn the leaver right, after the cabin part of the game) 8C = Camp Key (Key Item) (Key used to unlock the door to escape, at the end of the camp when you turn the leaver left, after the cabin part of the game) 8D = Dynamite 8E = Lift Activation Key (Key Item) (Key used in Seperate Ways, to activate the lift) 8F = Gold Bangle (Treasure Item)
9A = Crown (Treasure) 9B = Crown Jewel (Treasure) 9C = Royal Insigina (Treasure) 9D = Crown with Jewels (Treasure) 9E = Crown with an insignia (Treasure) 9F = Salazar Family Crown (Treasure)
00 = Magnum Ammo 01 = Hand Grenade 02 = Incendiary Grenade 03 = Matilda 04 = Handgun Ammo 05 = F.Aid Spray 06 = Green Herb 07 = Rifle Ammo 08 = Chicken Egg 09 = Brown Egg
10 = Bowgun 11 = Bowgun Bolts 12 = Green Herb (x2) 13 = Green Herb (x3) 14 = Mixed Herbs (G+R) 15 = Mixed Herbs (G+R+Y) 16 = Nothing 17 = Special Rocket Launcher 18 = Shotgun Ammo 19 = Red Herb
20 = TMP ammo 21 = Punisher 22 = Punisher w / Silencer (Crashes the game) 23 = Handgun 24 = Handgun with Silencer (crashes when you pick it up) 25 = Red 9 26 = Red 9 with Stock (crashes) 27 = Blacktail 28 = Blacktail w / Silencer (crashes the game) 29 = Broken Butterfly
30 = TMP 31 = Activation Key (blue) (Key Item) -Used in Seperate Ways- 32 = TMP with Stock (crashes) 33 = Activation Key (red) (Key Item) -Used in Seperate Ways- 34 = Chicago Typewriter 35 = Rocket Launcher 36 = Mine Thrower 37 = Hand Cannon 38 = Combat Knife (I know what it seems like, but it crashes) 39 = Serpent Ornament (Key Item) (Piece to the castle wall puzzle)
40 = Ada Punisher 41 = PRL 412 42 = Red 9 Stock 43 = TMP Stock 44 = Rifle Scope 45 = Semi Auto Rifle Scope 46 = Minethrower Ammo 47 = Ada Shotgun 48 = File Document 49 = File Document
50 = File Document 51 = Semi-Auto Rifle with thermal scope (crash) 52 = Krauser's Bow 53 = Chicago Typewriter (Mafia version) 54 = Nothing 55 = Nothing 56 = Velvet Blue (Treasure) 57 = Spinel (Treasure) 58 = Pearl Pendant (Treasure) 59 = Brass Pocket Watch (Treasure)
60 = Red Catseye (Treasure) 61 = Yellow Catseye (Treasure) 62 = Beerstein w / (G) (Treasure) -G meaning Green Catseye- 63 = Beerstein w / ® (Treasure) -R meaning Red Catseye- 64 = Beerstein w / (Y) (Treasure) -Y meaning Yellow Catseye- 65 = Berrstein w / (G,R) (Treasure) 66 = Berrstein w / (G,Y) (Treasure) 67 = Berrstein w / (R,Y) (Treasure) 68 = Berrstein w / (G,R,Y) (Treasure) 69 = Moonstone (Left Half) (Key Item)
70 = Staff of Royalty (Treasure) 71 = 5000ptas (Money) 72 = Arrows (for Krauser's bow) 73 = Merc Time hourglass 74 = Emergency Lock Card Key (Key Item) 75 = Merc Bosnus Time! The one that gives 30secs that you will receive extra points for each kill. 76 = Green Catseye (Key Item) 77 = Ruby (Treasure) 78 = 300PTAS (Money) 79 = 3000PTAS (Money)
80 = Golden Sword (Key Item) 81 = Iron Key (Key Item) 82 = Stone of Sacrifice (Key Item) 83 = Storage Room Card Key (Key Item) 84 = Freezer Card Key (Key Item) 85 = Piece of the Holy Beast, Panther (Key Item) 86 = Piece of the Holy Beast, Serpent (Key Item) 87 = Piece of the Holy Beast, Eagle (Key Item) 88 = Jet-ski Key (Key Item) 89 = Dirty Pearl Pendant (Treasure)
90 = Elegant Perfume Bottle (Treasure) 91 = Mirror w / Pearls & Rubies (Treasure) 92 = Waste Disposal Card Key (Key Item) 93 = Elegant Chessboard (Treasure) 94 = Riot Shotgun 95 = Small Bass 96 = Hourglass w / gold decor (Treasure) 97 = Large Bass 98 = Illuminados Pendant (Treasure) 99 = Bolt Action Rifle with Thermal scope (crash)
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