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Модератор форума: TTEMMA  
Ultimate ARC list
Mr_ScratchДата: Вторник, 02.04.2013, 08:25 | № 1






pl list by sectus

pl0000 - Leon
pl0080 - LeonOmake02
pl0090 - LeonOmake00
pl0100 - Helena
pl0110 - HelanaAsia
pl0180 - HelenaOmake02
pl0190 - HelenaOmake00
pl0200 - Chris
pl0280 - ChrisOmake02
pl0300 - Piers
pl0400 - Jake
pl0500 - Sherry
pl0590 - SherryOmake00
pl0600 - Ada
pl0610 - AdaB
pl0620 - Carla
pl0640 - Ada from Ada's Birth cutscene
pl0690 - AdaOmake00
pl0670 - AdaOmake01
pl0680 - AdaOmake02

(mrl files, these count for texture arcs and character arcs)
uPl000_0.mrl (main texture pack for body model)
uPl000_1.mrl (texture pack for right hand)
uPl000_2.mrl (texture pack for left hand)
uPl000_3.mrl (texture pack for face)


uPl00HeadLeonAsia - leon asia head
uPl00HeadLeonDebugId - debug head leon (gives chris)
uPl00HeadLeonOmake00 - pirate head
uPl00HeadLeonOmake01 - pirate head 2
uPl00HeadLeonOmake02 - re2 leon
uPl00HeadLeonUsa - tall oaks leon head

for all heads are also variants like: uPl00ACHeadLeonAsia i assume these are cutscene heads?

uPl00LeonAsia - body asia
uPl00LeonDebugId debug body (re4 like body)
uPl00LeonOmake00 - pirate body red
uPl00LeonOmake01 - blue pirate body
uPl00LeonOmake02 re2 body
uPl00LeonUsa usa body

uPl01HeadHelenaAsia asia helena head
uPl01HeadHelenaDebola head when helena carries debborah
uPl01HeadHelenaDebugId debug helena head
uPl01HeadHelenaOmake00 head for special costume
uPl01HeadHelenaOmake01 head for 2nd special costume
uPl01HeadHelenaOmake02 retro outfit
uPl01HeadHelenaUsa tall oaks helena head

uPl01HelenaAsia asia helena
uPl01HelenaDebola helena + debster
uPl01HelenaDebugId helena debug
uPl01HelenaOmake00 special costume body
uPl01HelenaOmake01 alternate special
uPl01HelenaOmake02 retro outfit body
uPl01HelenaUsa USA helena

uPl02ChrisAsia Asia chris body
uPl02ChrisBad chris body from the opening (drunk in bar)
uPl02ChrisDebugId debug chris body
uPl02ChrisEurope chris europe body
uPl02ChrisOmake00 samurai body
uPl02ChrisOmake01 alternate samurai body
uPl02ChrisOmake02 retro body

uPl02HeadChrisAsia asia head chris
uPl02HeadChrisBad chris bad head (from opening)
uPl02HeadChrisDebugId debug head
uPl02HeadChrisEurope EU head
uPl02HeadChrisOmake00 samurai head
uPl02HeadChrisOmake01 alternate samurai head
uPl02HeadChrisOmake02 retro head

uPl03HeadPiersAsia piers asia head
uPl03HeadPiersCanon piers head mutated j'avo form
uPl03HeadPiersDebugId debug piers head
uPl03HeadPiersEurope EU piers head
uPl03HeadPiersOmake00 special costume head
uPl03HeadPiersOmake01 alternate
uPl03HeadPiersOmake02 retro head
uPl03HeadPiersPersonal piers head opening scene

uPl03PiersAsia asia piers
uPl03PiersCanon piers as j'avo body
uPl03PiersDebugId debug piers body
uPl03PiersEurope EU piers body
uPl03PiersOmake00 special costume body
uPl03PiersOmake01 alternate
uPl03PiersOmake02 retro
uPl03PiersPersonal body piers opening
uPl0300InjArm - Piers's right arm. (the original human one).

uPl04HeadJakeAsia jake asia head
uPl04HeadJakeDebugId debug head jake
uPl04HeadJakeEurope eu jake head
uPl04HeadJakeMonitor jake in "chinese prison" head
uPl04HeadJakeOmake00 pimp head jake
uPl04HeadJakeOmake01 alternate pimp head
uPl04HeadJakeOmake02 retro head
uPl04HeadJakeSnow snow jake head

uPl04JakeAsia jake asia body
uPl04JakeDebugId debug jake body
uPl04JakeEurope jake EU body
uPl04JakeMonitor jake wearing only a towel (chinese prison jake) <-- for all his fangirls
uPl04JakeOmake00 special 1 body (pimp)
uPl04JakeOmake01 alternate pimp
uPl04JakeOmake02 retro body
uPl04JakeSnow jake in the snow body

uPl05HeadSherryAsia asia head
uPl05HeadSherryDebugId debug head
uPl05HeadSherryEurope eu head
uPl05HeadSherryMonitor chinese prison head
uPl05HeadSherryOmake00 special 1 head
uPl05HeadSherryOmake01 alternate head
uPl05HeadSherryOmake02 retro head
uPl05HeadSherrySnow snow head

uPl05SherryAsia asia sherry body
uPl05SherryDebugId debug body
uPl05SherryEurope EU body
uPl05SherryMonitor chinese prison body (fanservice model)
uPl05SherryOmake00 special 1
uPl05SherryOmake01 alternate body
uPl05SherryOmake02 retro
uPl05SherrySnow snow sherry

uPl06AdaA ada body
uPl06AdaB ada body ??
uPl06AdaCarla carla body
uPl06AdaDebugId ada debug body
uPl06AdaOmake00 china dress
uPl06AdaOmake01 alternate
uPl06AdaOmake02 retro

uPl06HeadAdaA Ada "A" head
uPl06HeadAdaB ada "B" head
uPl06HeadAdaCarla carla head
uPl06HeadAdaDebugId debug ada head
uPl06HeadAdaOmake00 china dress head
uPl06HeadAdaOmake01 alternate
uPl06HeadAdaOmake02 retro head

uPl07HeadHelper agent head
uPl07HelperNormal agent body

Debug character:
uPl99DebugModelTest - re5 chris
uPl99DebugNormal debug body - weird re4 leon with blocky holsters on legs
uPl99HeadDebug debug head - a hand?

uPlEmo: Voices (Wait,Follow me,etc)
uPlVoice: Effect Sounds (Example: Taunt)

Characters Textures

uPlTex0000_0 - Leon Tall Oaks
uPlTex0000_1 - Leon Tall Oaks Dirty
uPlTex0000_2 - Leon Tall Oaks Dirty (¿similar?)
uPlTex0010_0 - Leon Asia
uPlTex0010_1 - Leon Asia Dirty 1
uPlTex0010_2 - Leon Asia Dirty 2 (The same that Dirty 1 with new face specular sweat)
uPlTex0010_3 - Leon Asia Dirty 3
uPlTex0100_0 - Helena Tall Oaks
uPlTex0100_1 - Helena Tall Oaks Dirty
uPlTex0100_2 - Helena Tall Oaks Dirty (Similar?)
uPlTex0110_0 - Helena Asia
uPlTex0110_1 - Helena Asia Dirty 1
uPlTex0110_2 - Helena Asia Dirty 2 (The same that Dirty 1 with new face specular sweat)
uPlTex0110_3 - Helena Asia Dirty 3
uPlTex0200_0 - Chris Asia
uPlTex0200_1 - Chris Asia (Specular sweat)
uPlTex0200_2 - Chris Asia Dirty 2
uPlTex0200_3 - Chris Asia Dirty 3 (Dirty 2 with scar)
uPlTex0200_4 - Chris Asia Dirty 4
uPlTex0300_0 - Piers Asia
uPlTex0300_1 - Piers Asia (Specular sweat)
uPlTex0300_2 - Piers Asia Dirty 2
uPlTex0400_0 - Jake Europe
uPlTex0400_1 - Jake Europe (Specular sweat)
uPlTex0400_2 - Jake Europe (Only head dirty)
uPlTex0400_3 - Jake Europe Dirty. (Snow Level)
uPlTex0420_0 - Jake Asia
uPlTex0420_1 - Jake Asia Dirty
uPlTex0420_2 - Jake Asia Dirty (Specular sweat)
uPlTex0420_3 - Jake Asia Dirty 2 (in the Underwater facility)
uPlTex0500_0 - Sherry Europe
uPlTex0500_1 - Sherry Europe Dirty 1 (Specular sweat)
uPlTex0500_2 - Sherry Europe Dirty 2 (Snow Level)
uPlTex0500_3 - Sherry Europe Dirty 3 (Snow Level) ¿?.
uPlTex0520_0 - Sherry Asia
uPlTex0520_1 - Sherry Asia (Specular sweat)
uPlTex0520_2 - Sherry Asia Dirty 1
uPlTex0520_3 - Sherry Asia Dirty 2 (Underwater facility)
uPlTex0600_0 - Ada
uPlTex0600_1 - Ada Dirty 1 (Specular sweat)
uPlTex0600_2 - Ada Dirty 2

uWp1011 handgun (ada cutscene)
uWp1022 hydra
uWp1030 Desert Eagle


Enemies, PNJ's and vehicles
em1000 - China Javo
em1100 - well dressed javo
em1200 - Snowstorm Javo
em1370 - Chrysalid
em1400 - lost planet javo
em3000 - Lizard thing which fires needles
em3100 - Mesets (snowstorm birds)
em3200 - Napad (secret enemy in s1102, big armoured mutation) em3300 - Bees
em4100 - Lepotista (Boss enemy you encounter in cathedral)
em4300 - Chainsaw boss
em4500 - Deborah?
em4700 - Regenator-esque enemy
em4800 - Ogroman (4000 health in requiem)
em5000 - Zombies
em5010 - female zombies?
em5050 - zombie BSAA soldiers?
em5060 - zombie SWAT?
em5100 - Male civilian
em5110 - Female civilian
em5140 - Hunnigan (cutscene only)
em5150 - President ADAM (cutscene only)
em5160 - Zombie president
em5181 - Police zombie
em5191 - Fireman zombie (800 health in urban chaos)
em5200 - ?
em5420 - Female zombie?
em5458 - leon demo staff member who turns into zombie
em5459 - leon demo liz who turns into zombie
em5600 - whopper
em5700 - zombie dog (default health is 120 in urban chaos)
em5800 - bsaa soldier
em5810 - Finn
em5900 - friendly soldiers?
em6000 - Simmons (train form?)
em7000 - Ustanak
em8200 - Carla? (cutscene only)
em9000 - rats?
em9020 - dummy?
em9908 - snowmobile


s0102 - Leon, chapter 1, level where you exit subway into outdoor urban areas
s0103 - Leon, chapter 1, level where you defend house with NPCs "Gun Shop" (support agent hunt)
s0104 - Leon, start of chapter 1, (demo1 level)
s0105 - Leon, second level of chapter 1 (demo2 level)
s0200 - Leon, start of chapter 2, graveyard (support agent hunt)
s0202 - Leon, chapter 2, laboratory
s0203 - Leon, start of chapter 3 (also final level of chapter 2?)
s0206 - Leon, second or third level of chapter 3 "Cavern" (support agent hunt)
s0207 - Ada, first level of chapter 2
s0210 -
s0300 - Chris, start of chapter 2 (demo2 level)
s0301 - Chris, second level of chapter 2, "The Bridge"
s0302 - Chris, third level of chapter 2, 4 player coop, "In Front of City Hall"
s0303 - Chris, last level of chapter 2, "City Hall"
s0304 - Jake, start of chapter 1
s0305 - Jake, demo1 level, chapter 1
s0306 - Jake, final level of chapter 1
s0400 - Jake, start of chapter 2 "Mountain Path" (support agent hunt)
s0401 - Jake, chapter 2, cabin fight and driving down mountain (some javo here use stun rods)
s0500 - Chris, start of chapter 1
s0502 - Chris demo1 level (ends with coop door)
s0503 - Chris, level after 502
s0504 - Chris, start of chapter 3
s0508 - Chris chapter 3 harbor? (support agent hunt)
s0510 - Leon, chapter 4, second level, 4 player ustanak
s0511 - Leon, chapter 4, third level, market (support agent hunt)
s0512 - Leon, chapter 4, 4 player coop, Carla in the level, Leon and Chris face off
s0514 - Leon, chapter 4, fight against Simmons on train
s0516 -
s0551 - Jake, start of chapter 4
s0552 - Leon, start of chapter 4 (plane)
s0574 - Ada, start of chapter 3
s0578 -
s0579 - Jake, chapter 4 (demo2 jake level) (support agent hunt)
s0600 - Jake, start of chapter 3
s0601 - Jake, chapter 3, mansion (support agent hunt)
s0602 -
s0700 - Leon, final level of chapter 4
s0701 - Leon, chapter 5, prelude level
s0702 - Leon, chapter 5, going up the elevator, and fighting Simmons with Ada
s0704 - Freeze during Leon campaign?
s0706 - Leon, chapter 5, fight against Simmons dinosaur
s0751 - Ada, start of chapter 5
s0770 - Leon, start of chapter 5
s0771 - Prelude
s0773 - Leon, final level of chapter 5
s0800 - Chris, start of chapter 4 (support agent hunt)
s0802 - Ada, start of chapter 4
s0872 - (support agent hunt)
s0901 - (support agent hunt)
s0904 - Jake, start of chapter 5 (support agent hunt)
s1000 - Ada, start of chapter 1
s1001 - Ada, second level of chapter 1
s1003 - Ada, last level of chapter 1
s1100 - cutscene (for leon intro)
s1101 - Jake, start of chapter 1 (cutscene)
s1110 - cutscene (for chris intro)
s1112 - Chris, start of chapter 5 (cutscene?)
s1130 - Ada, start of chapter 1 (cutscene)
s1151 - Cutscene with Sherry and Leon confronting Simmons

S1202 urban chaos (wizard)

mercenaries stages: (sectus)
s1200 - Rail Yard
s1201 - Requiem for War
s1202 - Urban Chaos
s1203 - Mining the Depths
s1204 - High Seas Fortress
s1205 - Catacombs
s1206 - Steel Beast
s1207 - Rooftop
s1208 - Creature Workshop
s1209 - Liquid Fire

onslaught stages: (sectus)

survivors stages: (sectus)

predator stages: (sectus)

s121* are no mercy mercs stages. (sectus)

s160* are siege stages. (sectus)


e1000 Death of a President (intro cutscene for Leon)
e1050 Tall Oaks Cathedral
e1060 From Whence It Came
e1070 Ada's Birth
e1080 Soroal Reunion
e1090 Debora's Transformation
e1100 Fearmoe Foe
e1105 Derek Enters the Stage
e1110 To China
e1120 Cocoon in the Cockpit
e1140 Plane Crash?

e2000 Chris opening
e2010 Chris Encounter with the firs J'avo mutation.
e2020 Chris Chapter 1 ending (Chris, Piers, Finn, Chrysalids and Building debris).
e2030 Chris Chapter 2 Edonia opening
e2040 Chris meeting with Sherry. (With Ogroman).
e2050 Chris farewell of Sherry.
e2060 Chris ¿Carla meeting? (Chris, Piers and Finn).
e2070 Chris Carla's trap.
e2080 Chris Chapter 3 opening (Chris/Piers d2 face textures)
e2090 Chris and Piers entering in Poisawan (meeting with Sherry Jake after motorbke crash).
e2100 Chris When they separet from Sherry and Jake. Poisawan.
e2110 Chris Iluzija kidnap other soldier and Chris enter in berseker mode? (But where is Iluzija O.ò?)
e2115 Chris, Piers and Marco find Iluzija.
e2120 Chris When Carla infects Marco.
e2130 Chris and Piers confrontation.
e2160 Chris and Piers enter in the storage where is Carla, Leon and Helena, (these two last are not in this file).
e2170 Chris Carla's death
e2190 Chris ¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿? (Chris Piers and 3 different doors, looks like from city).
e2220 Chris taking off with the VTOLT
e2230 Chris hacking the computer to rescue Sherry and Jake.
e2240 Chris meeting with Sherry and Jake. And Chris confession.
e2260 Chris and the HAOS birth.
e2270 Chris after defeat HAOS, and the inundation.
e2280 Chris Piers sacrifice.
e2300 Chris Chris and Piers's J'avo after defeat J'avo (Nivanfield embrace moment).
e2310 Chris Ending
e2320 Chris Epilogue

e3000 Boy Meets Girl (intro cutscene)
e3020 Cutscene with Jake and Sherry (running away from ustanak and jumping through window)
e3040 - Urban Warfare (I don't have this arc in my folder :S)
e3050 - Seizing the City. (I don't have this arc in my folder :S)
e3060 Contract Concluded
e3100 China, Six Months Later ?
e3110 Sherry's Great Escape ?
e3120 Six-Month Reunion ?
e3135 Six Month Reunion (Sherry) ?
e3400 (final cutscen in Jake campaing) (I don't have this file in my folder :S)

e4000 (Intro cutscene for Ada)
e4040 torpedo launch ch1 end
e4070 birth cutscene has slimey ada/carla
e4090 ada vs chainsaw thing
e4140 carla's revival al weird jizz monster
e4150 ada cutscene with chris' jetplane
e4200 Final cutscene in Ada campaign.
e4210 New Life Epilogue (final bonus cutscene)?

(there were more but it was unknown which they were so i didn't add them -jtegh)


uIt0200 Pistol Ammo
uIt0201 Shotgun Ammo
uIt0202 Sniper Ammo
uIt0203 Assault Rifle Ammo
uIt0204 Antimaterial Rifle Ammo
uIt0205 ____ Ammo (black box Ammo).
uIt0206 Magnum Ammo
uIt0207 Explosives Grenades Ammo
uIt0208 Acid Grenades Ammo
uIt0209 Frozen Grenades Ammo
uIt0210 Rocket Ammo
uIt0211 Arrow Ammo
uIt0212 Explosive Arrow Ammo
uIt0213 _____ Ammo (Helena's Hydra?)
uIt0300 Green herb
uIt0301 Red heb
uIt0400 Points Item. (value = ___?)
uIt0401 Points Item. (value = ___?)
uIt0402 Points Item. (value = ___?)
uIt0403 Points Item. (value = ___?)
uIt0404 Points Item. (value = ___?)
uIt0405 Points Item. (value = ___?)
uIt0406 Points Item. (value = ___?)
uIt0407 Points Item. (value = ___?)
uIt0408 Points Item. (value = ___?)
uIt0409 Points Item. (value = ___?)
uIt0410 Points Item. (value = ___?)
uIt0411 Points Item. (value = ___?)


Collection - It looks like the enviroment with the Jukeboxs machine (s2001).
Core - Info about the dog tags ¿?.
coreEff - Generic sprites and models effects (shoots, blood, smoke, etc...)
Credit - Logos of the credits.
Custom - More graphics about dog tags. (its icons and such)
Cutscenes - The cutscene menu, with the scenes screenshots.
Game - Texts which appear during the gameplay (Mercenaries texts, "you are dead" and things like that).
Load - The loading screen (please wait...)
Menu - Menu to select chapter, or map, logo, options and the Jukebox store (s2000).
Merce - The Mercenaries Menu Screen
MerceUI - specific GUI for Mercenaries ("Combo Time" text and such).
Msg_eng - ¿¿¿???
Record - The stadistics menu.
Result - The screen with the score after each mission.
Scenario - This looks like the street where you choose the campaign.
Staffroll00 -
Staffroll01 - Credits Chris.
Staffroll02 -
Staffroll03 -
Title - The Logo screen.

Results Backgrounds

ResultBg0000 Leon Chapter 1
ResultBg0001 Leon Chapter 2
ResultBg0002 Leon Chapter 3
ResultBg0003 Leon Chapter 4
ResultBg0004 Leon Chapter 5
ResultBg0100 Chris Chapter 1
ResultBg0101 Chris Chapter 2
ResultBg0102 Chris Chapter 3
ResultBg0103 Chris Chapter 4
ResultBg0104 Chris Chapter 5
ResultBg0200 Jake Chapter 1
ResultBg0201 Jake Chapter 2
ResultBg0202 Jake Chapter 3
ResultBg0203 Jake Chapter 4
ResultBg0204 Jake Chapter 5
ResultBg0300 Ada Chapter 1
ResultBg0301 Ada Chapter 2
ResultBg0302 Ada Chapter 3
ResultBg0303 Ada Chapter 4
ResultBg0304 Ada Chapter 5
ResultBg4000 Rail Yard
ResultBg4001 Requiem of War
ResultBg4002 Urban Chaos
ResultBg4003 Mining the dephts
ResultBg4004 High Seas Fortress
ResultBg4005 Catacombs
ResultBg4006 Steel Beast
ResultBg4007 Rooftop Mission
ResultBg4008 Creature Workshop?
ResultBg4009 Liquid Fire

Actors and Moveables

sm6071H1 - The aerial tower which fall over Ustanak, in the Leon/Sherry crossover.
sm6280 - The chrysalid cocoon of Ada's ending (I think they are female hands... for the nails, the hands texture is hardly recognizable).
sm6320 - Piers J'avo (the body mesh of the ending scene the head is inside of the e2310).

Unknown but important looking/others

PlayerBase - ¿¿¿???
Stp - It contains a .stp file for each stage. contains player spawn coordinates for each stage. (sectus)
uPlEmo: Voices (Wait,Follow me,etc)
uPlVoice: Effect Sounds (Example: Taunt)
uPlWat - ¿¿¿???

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